Hi 2025, let’s do a bingo challenge

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2025!

It’s kind of crazy how fast this past year went. I only started doing full-time freelancing in February so it has nearly been a whole year since I started this journey!

To be honest, I feel like I haven’t done all that much since I have started… It’s been a bit of a crazy year in 2024. I left my job to do this so my income isn’t as consistent. I moved in with family and adjusting to living with very needy animals (which is absolutely lovely) can be a bit of a struggle balancing being productive and keeping up with their needs (aka, demand for attention). Of course, the main thing, I have never freelanced before in my entire life so this is a completely new experience for me.

I mean look at my blog posts, there aren’t that many posts at all. But like most businesses, especially ones just starting, a lot of the work is behind the scenes, and to be honest, because I have work primarily digitally, it is all stored on hard-drives and online file systems with very little in terms of tangible media for me to reflect on.

Additionally, I don’t know about you, but I am not good with goals in general. I will forget about them, fall back into bad habits or just have random circumstances occur that throw off my progress.

So this year, I want to challenge myself with ensuring I am staying on top of my goals and actually getting on top of the things I want to do.

I have created a BINGO card for this month to keep myself accountable and for a touch of fun for the month.

This month I want to focus primarily on experimenting with graphic design and creating more valuable content for my audience as well as get myself into a flow of creation.

I know during my TAFE course for Entrepreneurship (which I did last year), the primary method for creating long term goals is SMART Goals.

What are SMART Goals? Well it’s an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Time-Bound. It’s a framework that is to encourage breaking down goals into simplified and manageable tasks that allows you to hold yourself accountable to achieve those goals. These goals don’t have to be business specific and can be related to anything you want to achieve.

My BINGO Card may not have very specific tasks for this month as I had originally planned to do this more yearly, but changed to be more month specific (and just didn’t want to change the text afterwards).



If you are down to BINGO with me or keen to make your own, I would love to see the progress you make through out the year as well. Feel free to tag me in your BINGO Challenge with month @charlottefountaindesign


Design Brief Idea - Ember and Bloom